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Objective: Write a C# program to generate a random integer within a specified range.

Posted: Mon Feb 10, 2025 7:41 pm
by paypal56_ab6mk6y7
Program Requirements:
The program will ask the user to enter a lower and upper number to specify a range. The program will create and output a random integer within the range, including the lower and upper numbers.

Steps to Implement the Program:

1. Import the Required Namespace
To generate random numbers in C#, you must import the `System` namespace, which contains the `Random` class.

2. Make an Instance of the `Random` Class
The `Random` class is utilized to create random number generators.

3. Get User Input
The program will prompt the user to input the minimum and maximum values of the range.

4. Create the Random Integer
Use the above `Next()` method of the `Random` class to return a random integer within the range.
Note: To make the maximum value inclusive, append `1` to the upper boundary.

5. Display the Result
Show the resulting random integer to the user.

C# Console Application Code:

Code: Select all

using System;

class RandomNumberGenerator
    static void Main()

// Step 1: Create an instance of the Random class
        Random random = new Random();

        // Step 2: Get user input for minimum and maximum values
        Console.WriteLine("Enter the minimum value:");
int minValue = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine());

        Console.Write("Enter the maximum value:");
        int maxValue = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine());

        // Step 3: Generate a random integer within the specified range
// Add 1 to maxValue to make the upper bound inclusive
        int randomInteger = random.Next(minValue, maxValue + 1);

        // Step 4: Display the generated random integer
        Console.WriteLine($"Generated Random Integer: {randomInteger}");
How It Works:
1. The program initially generates an object of the `Random` class.
2. It then asks the user to enter the minimum and maximum values of the range.
3. It uses the `Next()` method to generate a random integer within the given range with the maximum value inclusive.
4. The program then outputs the generated random integer to the user.

Key Features:
- User-Friendly Input: The program politely asks for input from the user.
- Inclusive Range: It makes the higher limit inclusive by adding `1` to it.
- Simple and Efficient: The code is short and simple and thus is most suitable for beginners.